1) Amaranth
c. Joseph’s Coat - Terroir Seeds,
2) Artichoke, Globe
b. Purple Sicilian
c. Violetto - Reimer Seeds,
3) Asparagus
b. Conover’s Colossal (1870) - Cherry Gal,
4) Snap Beans
a. Black Valentine (before 1850) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heirloom Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Bountiful (1898) - Pinetree Garden, Heirloom Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Reimer Seeds, Cherry Gal,
c. Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod (1894) - Pinetree Garden,
d. Canadian Wonder (1873) - Heritage Harvest,
f. Masterpiece (1907)
g. Red Valentine (1832) - Heritage Harvest,
i. Triomphe de Farcy (1892)
5) Snap Pole Beans
6) Wax Bush Beans
b. Buerre de Rocquencourt - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Dragon Lingerie (dragon’s tongue) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest, Heirloom Seeds,
d. Golden Wax (1871) - Heirloom Seeds,
e. Mont D’Or (1880s)
f. Pencil Pod Black Wax (1900) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Heirloom Seeds,
7) Wax Pole Beans
b. Meraviglia di Venezia (wonder of Venice)
c. Yellow Annelino
8) Horticultural (or Shell) Bush Beans
a. Chevrier Vert (1880)
b. Dwarf Horticultural (late 1700s)
c. Tongue of Fire (horto) - Victory Seeds,
9) Horticultural (or shell) Pole Beans
b. Vermont Cranberry Pole - Heirloom Seeds,
c. Wren’s Egg - Heirloom Seeds,
10) Dry (or Field) Bush Beans
b. Black Coco
c. Black Turtle (turtle soup; before 1806) - Sandhill Preservation, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Heirloom Seeds,
d. Cannelloni (cannelone’; before 1900) - Victory Seeds,
f. Hutterite (1750s) - Heirloom Seeds,
g. Jacob’s Cattle (trout) - Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Heirloom Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
h. Low’s Champion (dwarf red cranberry) - Heritage Harvest,
i. Santa Maria Pinquito
j. Soldier (Johnson bean) - Victory Seeds,
l. Swedish Brown (1890)
m. Yellow Eye (molasses face)
11) Dry (or Field) Pole Beans
a. Mostoller’s Wild Goose (1865)
b. Ruth Bible (1832) - Southern Exposure Seed Exchange,
12) Fava or Broad Beans
c. Castillo Franco
d. Crimson-flowered (1778)
13) Lima or Butter Bush Beans
a. Henderson (1885) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Heirloom Seeds, Victory Seeds,
b. Hopi Orange
14) Lima or Butter Pole Beans
a. Black (1892)
c. Civil War (1860s)
d. Dr. Martin
f. Red Calico (1790)
15) Runner Beans
a. Aztec Dwarf White
b. Blackcoat (black runner) - Heritage Harvest,
c. Czar
e. Scarlet Runner (before 1750) - Hometown, Southern Exposure, Heirloom Seeds, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
f. Seneca Indian Bear Paw
g. White Dutch Runner (before 1825)
16) Soybeans
b. Lammer’s Black
17) Tepary Beans (for Native American varieties see Native Seed SEARCH)
b. Sonoran Gold Bush - Seeds of Change,
18) Beet
a. Albina Vereduna
d. Crosby’s Egyptian (1880) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds,
e. Cylindra (formanova; 1990s) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds,
g. Early Wonder (1911) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds,
i. Lutz Green Leaf (winter keeper) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Heritage Harvest,
k. Yellow Intermediate Mangel (yellow mangel)
19) Broccoli
20) Brussels Sprouts
a. Bedford Fillbasket -
b. Long Island Improved (1890s) - Sandhill Preservation, Heritage Harvest, Seeds Trust, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Victory Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Cherry Gal, Reimer Seed, RH Shumway, Burrell Seeds, Cooks Garden,
21) Green Cabbage
b. Christmas Drumhead (1903) - Victory Seeds,
c. Couve de Tronchuda (before 1877)
e. Early Jersey Wakefield (1840s) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
g. Late Flat Dutch (premium late flat ducth; before 1840) - Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
22) Red Cabbage
a. Mammoth Red Rock (red Danish; before 1906) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
23) Savoy Cabbage
b. January King (before 1885) - Heritage Harvest,
24) Carrot
a. Chantenay Red Cored (1929) - Victory Seeds, Veseys, Heritage Harvest, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Seeds of Change, Terroir seeds, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Cherry Gal, Reimer Seeds, Bountiful Gardens, Burrell Seeds,
b. Danvers Half Long (1871) - Hometown, Heritage Harvest, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Victory Seeds, Cherry Gal, Reimer Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, RH Shumway, Burrell Seeds, Cooks Garden,
c. Dragon - Heritage Harvest, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Seeds of Change, Terroir Seeds, Cherry Gal, Reimer Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Bountiful Gardens, Cooks Garden, Sandhill Preservation,
d. Early Scarlet Horn (before 1610) - Heritage Harvest,
g. Oxheart (Guerande’; 1884) - Southern Exposure Seed Exchange,
h. Rondo (‘paris market’) - Seed Savers Exchange,
i. St. Valery (1885) - Sandhill Preservation, Seeds of Change, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Cherry Gal, Seed Savers Exchange, Bountiful Gardens,
j. Topeweight
25) Cauliflower
a. Early Snowball (1888) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
c. Veitch’s Autumn Giant (before 1885)
26) Celeriac
27) Celery
a. Golden Self-blanching (before 1885) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Red Stalk - Heritage Harvest,
c. Solid Pink (1894)
28) Spring or Cutting Chicory
29) Radicchio and Heading Chicory
30) Witloof and Root Chicory
a. Large-rooted Magdeburg (‘coffee chicory’)
31) Sweet Corn, White
b. Catawba (1909)
d. Hooker’s Sweet Indian (1930s)
e. Howling Mob (1905)
f. Luther Hill (1902) - Sandhill Preservation,
32) Sweet Corn, Yellow
a. Golden Bantam (1902) - Hometown, Pinetree Garden, Sandhill Preservation, Southern Exposure, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Golden Early Market (1925)
c. Mandan Red Sweet (nuetta; 1912) - Sandhill Preservation,
33) Dent Corn
34) Flint Corn
a. Garland Flint - Sandhill Preservation,
b. Longfellow Flint - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Rhode Island White Cap (1860) similar to the variety named Narragansett
35) Flour Corn
a. Anasazi - Sandhill Preservation,
b. Mandan Bride - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Taos Pueblo Blue Corn - Native Seed SEARCH,
d. Tuscarora (before 1712)
36) Popcorn
c. Tom Thumb Yellow - Heritage Harvest,
37) Corn Salad (Mache)
a. A Grosse Grraine (big-seeded)
b. Coquille de Louviers (coquille)
c. D’Etampes (verte d’etampes)
d. Verte de Cambrai (green de cambria)
38) Pickling Cucumbers
a. Boston Pickling (before 1880) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest,
b. Chicago Pickling (1888) - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Early Cluster (1778) - Sandhill Preservation, Heritage Harvest,
d. Early Russian (1850s) - Heritage Harvest,
e. Vert de Maíz (1800s)
39) Slicing Cucumbers
a. Boothby’s Blonde - Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest,
b. China Long (1862) -
c. Japanese Climbing (1892) - Sandhill Preservation,
d. Lemon (1894) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest,
e. Long Green Improved (1842) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
f. Longfellow (1927) - Sandhill Preservation, Heritage Harvest,
g. Straight 8 (1935) - Victory Seeds,
h. Suyo Long - Heritage Harvest,
i. West Indian Gherkin (1793) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds,
j. White Wonder (before 1890) - Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds,
40) Eggplant
a. Black Beauty (1902) - Hometown, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Listada de Gandia - Heritage Harvest,
c. Pintong Long - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden,
d. Rosa Bianca - Sandhill Preservation,
e. Thai Green - Sandhill Preservation,
f. Turkish Orange (turkish italian) - Pinetree Garden,
g. Violetta di Firenze
41) Endive
a. Broad-leaved Batavian - Sandhill Preservation, Wild Garden, Victory Seeds,
b. Green Curled Ruffec - Victory Seeds,
c. Grosse Bouclee
d. Tres Fine Marachiere (frisee) - Wild Garden,
42) Florence Fennel (Finocchio)
a. Romy
43) Hardneck (Ophio) Garlic
a. Rocambole Type
i. Carpathian
ii. Germain Red
iii. Spanish Roja
b. Purple Stripe Type
c. Procelain Type
i. Romainian Red
44) Softneck Garlic
a. Artichoke Type
i. Inchelium Red
ii. Lorz Italian
b. Silversking Type
i. Nootka Rose
ii. Silverskin
45) Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke)
a. Dave’s Shrine (judy’s red, wolcottonian red)
b. Maine Giant
c. Smooth Garnet (garnet)
46) Kale
a. Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Lacinato - Hometown, Wild Garden, Heritage Harvest,
c. Pentland Brig
d. Red Russian (ragged jack) - Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds,
e. Thousand-headed (before 1863)
f. Walking Stick
47) Collards
a. Georgia (before 1880) - Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds,
b. Green Glaze (before 1860)
c. Morris Heading - Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds,
48) Kohlrabi
a. Early Purple Viena (before 1860) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Early White Viena (before 1860) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
c. Gigante (gigant winter)
49) Leek
d. Lyon (prizetaker; 1886)
50) Looseleaf Lettuce
a. Black-seeded Simpson (1850) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
b. Bronze Arrow - Heritage Harvest,
d. Grandpa Admire’s (grandpa’s; 1860s)
51) Heading Lettuce
d. Limestone Bibb (bibb; 1850)
f. Mescher (schweitzer’s mescher bibb)
g. Speckled (spereckled) - Heritage Harvest,
h. Tennis Ball (before 1804) - Heritage Harvest,
52) Cos (Romaine) Lettuce
a. Ballon (ballon; before 1885)
b. Paris White Cos (romaine blonde marachiere; before 1868) - Heritage Harvest,
53) Melon
c. Collective Farmwoman - Heritage Harvest,
d. Golden Champlain (1923)
f. Hearts of Gold (1917) - Victory Seeds,
g. Honey Dew (1915) -
j. Nutmeg (1830s)
k. Perfection (1892)
54) Mustard Oriental Greens
a. Michihili (Brassica rapa, pekinensis group; 1870s)
b. Mizuna (kyona; B. rapa, japonica group) - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Osaka Purple
d. Red Giant (giant red) - Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
e. Southern Giant Curled (17402) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest,
55) Okra
b. Louisiana Green Velvet (1930s)
c. Red Okra (purple okra)
56) Onions
a. Common (Globe) Onions
i. Red- and Purple-Skinned Onions
1. Red Torpedo (Italian red bottle)
2. Red Wethers field (ca. 1800)
3. Southport Red Globe (1873) - Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest,
ii. Yellow- and Brown-Skinned Onions
1. Ailsa Craig Exhibition - Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest,
2. Australian Brown - Heritage Harvest,
3. Yellow Ebenezer (1906)
4. Yellow Globe Danvers (before 1850)
iii. White-Skinned Onions
1. Southport White Globe
2. White Portugal (silversking; before 1800) - Sandhill Preservation,
b. Bunching (Welsh) Onions
i. Evergreen White Bunching (he-shi-ko; 1880s)
c. Egyption (Topset) Onions
i. Catawissa Onion
ii. McCullar’s White Topset
d. Multiplier (Shallots and Potato) Onions
i. Odetta’s White Shallot (before 1900)
ii. Yellow Potato Onion (hill onion, mother onion, pregnant onion; before 1886)
57) Parsley
c. Moss Curled - Victory Seeds,
58) Parsnips
a. Hollow Crown (1850) - Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Reimer Seeds, RH Shumway, Sandhill Preservation,
b. Offenham -
c. The Student (1860) - Cherry Gal, 59) Peas
a. Shelling Peas (P. sativum var. sativum)
ii. Alderman (tall telephone; 1891) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
iii. American Wonder 91878)
iv. Blue Pod Capucijners (ducth grey, Holland capucijners; P. sativum var. arvense; 1500s) - Sandhill Preservation, Heritage Harvest,
vi. Dwarf Telephone (1888)
vii. Laxtonian (blue bantam, hundredfold, before 1907
ix. Little Marvel (improved American wonder; 1900) - Hometown, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
x. The Pilot (before 1903)
xi. Stratagem (ca. 1879)
xii. Thomas Laxton (freezonian; 1898)
b. Edible-Podded Peas (P. sativum var. macrocarpon)
60) Cowpeas
a. Calico Crowder (Hereford pea, polecat pea) - New Hope,
b. Papago - Sandhill Preservation,
c. Susanne (Susanne cream)
e. Zipper (zipper cream crowder) - Sandhill Preservation,
61) Peppers
a. Hot Peppers
i. Arledge Hot (Louisiana hot)
iv. Czechoslovakian Black
v. De Arbol (arbol; tree chili)
vi. De Comida (zapotec di comida)
vii. Grandpa’s Home Pepper - Heritage Harvest,
viii. Karlo
x. Pico de Gallo
xi. Red Squash (mushroom pepper)
b. Sweet Pepper
i. Aconcagua (giant aconcagua)
iii. Cherry Sweet (red cherry; before 1860)
v. Golden Summit
vi. Merrimack Wonder (1942)
vii. Nardello (jimmy nardello’s sweet frying pepper)
ix. World Beater (ruby giant; before 1912)
62) Potato
a. All Blue (blue marker) - Seeds of Change,
b. Anna Cheeka’s Ozette (ozette; late 1700s)
c. Beauty of Hebron (ca. 1900)
d. Bintje (1911) - Seeds of Change,
e. Cow Horn
f. Early Ohio (1871)
g. Early Rose (1861)
h. Garnet Chile
i. Green Mountain (1885)
j. Lady Finger
k. Russet Burbank (netted gem; 1874)
l. Russian Banana
63) Radish
b. French Breakfast (1879) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
c. French Golden
e. Munchener Bier - Baker Creek,
g. Round Black Spanish (before 1824) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
h. Tokinashi (all seasons)
i. Violet de Gournay (gournay violet; before 1885) - Baker Creek,
j. White Icicle (lady finger; before 1896) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
k. Wood’s Frame (ca. 1870)
64) Rhubarb
a. Glaskin’s Perpetual - Pinetree Garden, Territorial Seed, Baker Creek, Cherry Gal, Thompson and Morgan,
b. German Wine
c. Paragon
d. Victoria (myatt’s Victoria; before 1873) - Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
65) Rutabaga
a. Bristol White
c. Macomber (sweet german)
d. Pike
66) Salsify
67) Scorzonera
a. Geante Noire de Russie
68) Spinach
a. Bloomsdale Long Standing (1925) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Wild Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
b. Giant Nobel (long-standing gaudry; 1926) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
c. King of Denmark (1919)
d. Norfolk (1880s) - Heritage Harvest,
e. Virginia Savoy (old dominion; 1921)
69) Cucurbita maxima
a. Blue Banana (ca. 1893)
d. Hubbard (green hubbard, true hubbard; 1798) - Hometown, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
e. North Georgia Candy Roaster - Heritage Harvest,
70) Cucurbita mixta
b. White Jonathan Cushaw (1891) - Baker Creek,
71) Cucurbita moschata
b. Cheese Pumpkin (1824)
c. Kikuza Early White (1927)
d. Neck Pumpkin
72) Cucurbita pepo
b. Benning’s Green Tint Scallop (1914) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
c. Black Zucchini (1931) - Sandhill Preservation,
e. Connecticut Field (before 1700) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
g. Early Yellow Summer Crookneck (ca. 1700)
i. Small Sugar (new England pie; before 1860) - Pinetree Garden,
j. Vegetable Spaghetti (spaghetti squash; 1890s) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
l. Winter Luxury (luxury pie pumpkin; 1893) - Sandhill Preservation,
73) Sunflower
b. Havasupai Striped
d. Mammoth Russian - Heritage Harvest,
e. Maximilian (H. maximiliani)
f. Tarahumara White - Baker Creek,
74) Sweet Potato
a. Nancy Hall - New Hope,
b. Porto Rico Bush - New Hope,
c. Red Wine Velvet
d. White Yam - New Hope,
75) Swiss Chard
a. Argentata
b. Fordhook Giant (1750) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
d. Perpetual Spinach (spinach beet; 1869) - Baker Creek,
f. Rhubarb Chard (ruby chard; 1857) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Wild Garden, Victory Seeds,
76) Tomatillo
a. Purple de Milpa
77) Tomatoes
a. Red Tomatoes
viii. Garderner’s Delight (sugar lump)
xiii. Super Italian Paste
b. Pink-Purple Tomatoes
ii. Brandywine (1885) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
iii. Brimmer Pink (ca. 1905)
iv. Cherokee Purple (before 1890) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
c. Yellow-Orange Tomatoes
ii. Djena Lee’s Golden Girl (1920s)
vi. Yellow Pear (before 1805) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
d. Other Tomatoes
78) Turnip
a. GilfeatherTM
c. Purple Top White Globe (before 1880) - Hometown, Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
d. Red Milan (de Milan rouge; before 1885)
f. Waldoboro Greenneck (1780s)
79) Watermelon
a. Cole’s Early (harris early; 1892) - Sandhill Preservation,
i. Garrisonian is the improved variety of Georgia rattlesnake 1957
d. Ice Cream (peerless; before 1885) - Baker Creek,
e. Kleckley Sweet (monte christo; wonder melon; before 1900) - Pinetree Garden, Victory Seeds, Baker Creek,
f. Moon and Stars (before 1910) - Sandhill Preservation, Pinetree Garden, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Victory Seeds, Heritage Harvest, Baker Creek,
g. Nancy (ca. 1885) - Southern Exposure Seed Exchange,
h. Red-seeded Citron (C. lanatus var. citroides) - Sandhill Preservation, Cherry Gal, Heritage Harvest,